All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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1 book by Stephen Graham King

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Soul's Blood
by Stephen Graham King
Equal parts troubleshooters and troublemakers, Keene and Lexa-Blue, along with the sentient ship, Maverick Heart, have been known to solve a problem or two. For the right price, that is. Even so, they aren't prepared for a summons from a love Keene thought long past. Daevin Adisi is now the Technarch of Brighter Light, one of the greatest corporate colony states in the Galactum, which is on the brink of war with Sotari, descendants of a people changed by nanogenetic experimentation. Seeking only to live a quiet, simple life free of the technology they blame for the worst part of their history, Sotari has struggled to co-exist with Brighter Light, which to them represents the worst of their own history. And now, the uneasy truce has finally crumbled. In his last-ditch attempt to save their world, Daevin has called upon Keene to help him finally bring peace.
Diverse cast, discussions of prejudice, AIs use ey/em pronouns, M/M romance, bisexual protagonists
gay, bisexual, genderqueer, race, pronouns, South Asian, 2015 Adult

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